Woodland Hills School District in Pennsylvania is implementing a comprehensive security system developed in response to the rash of recent school shootings, terror attacks and other mass casualty incidents that threaten public safety. Campus Response developed by Datanetics, utilizes enhanced digital floorplans and other valuable data assets generated by BeSafe Technologies. (video link below)
This new security system brings together multiple data sources, using an innovative mobile app to distribute critical information to school staff, first responders, parents and the public.
“We developed our first critical response system, Campus Response, in reaction to recent “shooter on campus” scenarios in the United States. Campus Response is a planning and crisis response system for universities and public schools with buildings in a single location; throughout a county, such as a public school system; or school buildings and students geographically dispersed worldwide”, says the company website.
Watch the CBS Pittsburgh News video to learn more about the integration possibilities available using Besafe Enhanced Floorplans.